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Cameron Wiese is trying to build a “new world’s fair.” He describes the idea here: “Through compelling pavilions and exhibits, awe-inspiring art and architecture, and incredibly immersive experiences, we can design a physical space where everyone can feel, touch, and see the future. We can take advantage of our existing digital infrastructure and the latest virtualization technologies to deliver a complementary experience that spreads the future to billions of people, allowing voices from all walks of life to participate in the conversation. We can build a new World's Stage — the intellectual equivalent of the Olympics — where heroes and role models are created, where dreams are born, and where we celebrate achievement over superficial influence.” You can read more here.
Nina Khera is a teenage human longevity researcher who is interested in preventing age-related diseases, especially those related to brain aging. She co-founded a biotech project when she was 14. She has a list of biotech projects that she is working on here.
Sam Enright is the editor-in-chief of The Fitzwilliam, an online publication about Ireland, policy, philosophy and literature. He writes sporadically about things like his experience in South India, his view on progress, and his random ideas. He’s also a former North Britain Novice QuizBowl champion.
Liam Hinzman worked in software engineering from 2016 to 2022. Then he left his job to study art. His mission: “I want to spend my life creating films that give people the courage needed to ask out the cute girl they have a crush on and other similarly important life decisions.” You can read more about his reasoning here.
Arun Venkatesan is a product designer, engineer, photographer, and writer. He previously founded Carrot Fertility (a now series C company). He has a blog that dives deep into how technology and design can impact your life. You can read about his desk setup here.
Nick Jones is a software engineer who likes making things that “look familiar but program them to do something unexpected, and make sure people feel something.” His personal website is fun. He also made Stripe Press’s website.
Eric Lofgren created the Acquisition Talk blog and podcast in October 2018 to “advocate for management principles in the Department of Defense that move beyond industrial age paradigms that were, oddly enough, adopted from the Soviet Union.” On his site, you will find over 1,400 blog posts and links to over 160 podcast episodes about all aspects of the defense acquisition problem (particularly budget reform).
Daniel Gallardo Albarrán is an assistant professor in Economic History at the Economic and Environmental History Group (Wageningen University). He is currently conducting two projects on the determinants of clean water and sanitation since 1850 from a global perspective, funded by the Dutch and Swedish Research Councils. He also runs Long-Run Health Matters, a research portal on the origins of global health inequality.
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